Railways allocation remains unchanged at ₹2.65 lakh crore, budget for customer amenities, investment in PSUs slashed | Sharefundss

Railways allocation remains unchanged at ₹2.65 lakh crore, budget for customer amenities, investment in PSUs slashed

Allocation to developing customer amenities in Indian Railways has continued to decline from ₹15,510 crore in FY 2024-25 (budget estimate) to ₹12,993.97 crore (revised estimates) and now to ₹12,118.39 crore in the FY 2025-26. Also, the allocation for investment in PSUs and joint ventures has gone down from the revised estimate of ₹27,570.77 crore in FY 2024-25 to ₹22,444.33 crore in FY 2025-26.

Economy news, Latest Economic News, GDP, World Economy, Indian Economy | The Hindu